I don’t know about you, but I personally believe that the discovery of the role our microbiome (AKA gut) plays in our health has got to be one of the greatest health discoveries of our day. Wouldn’t you agree?
I’m curious! What has been going through your mind as you’ve read my last few posts about how to change your gut health? Have they been resonating with you? Have you learned something about yourself and your current wellness?
I used to feel so stuck when it came to changing my microbiome (and really, how I felt overall). I mean… have you ever felt like you’re in a bit of a food rut, eating the same things day in and day out? Maybe you’ve noticed that some things need to change in your diet but you don’t know where to begin (it can be sooo overwhelming, can’t it?!)… so you just keep on with the same old same old?
I experienced bloating, fatigue, intense brain fog (me: “why did I come in this room? What did I need?”), felt “puffy” more often than not and had a mood that always seemed to linger (let’s be honest, it’s so not fun to have the clothes fitting tighter than usual due to a “food baby”- that’ll get ya moody).
When I began to implement the so called “5 Rs” Protocol- remove, replace, reinoculate, repair, and rebalance – things dramatically shifted. I’ll even go so far as to say that it’s rare for me to feel any of the symptoms I mentioned above (and if I do, out comes the protocol!).
A brief overview:
- Remove the “offenders” that are causing the irritation and inflammation; start an elimination diet to know just what is the source and cause of the issues you are experiencing (most often sugar, dairy/lactose, gluten, soy, chemical additives found in many processed foods, alcohol, overuse of NSAIDS, etc.). Once you can pinpoint this, you can move onto the next step.
- Replace the “offenders” with real, whole foods that will repair and rebuild your damaged gut lining. Certain targeted supplements can be a huge help here.
- Reinoculate the now-repaired gut with good bacteria that help to protect your GI tract, support digestion and keep the microbiome healthy and well.
- Repair and Rebalance your system by regularly caring for your health. Eating mindfully, effectively managing stress, enjoying nutritious foods regularly and more.
As a chef, health and nutrition coach, my heart has always been to lead people to a place of freedom and wholeness in their health and wellbeing. That being said, I am always looking for ways to simplify healthy eating and living- I know just how overwhelming (and oftentimes, discouraging) it can be!
So? My final key to How to Change Your Gut Health : Implementing the “5 R’s” in my 21-Day Reset program!
This program is a simple, step-by-step guide, supporting you daily as you implement the above protocol. In addition to enjoying the peace of a healthy gut, you will reap the rewards from the following as well!
- More energy and mental clarity
- Guidance in removing all inflammatory foods (whatever those are for you), replacing them with nourishing foods that support the gut lining
- Balance in blood sugar which in turn helps to break cravings from sugar and processed foods
- Shed toxins (which, for most, translates to excess weight… why not ditch a few toxic pounds while we’re at it?)
- Learn more about how specific foods make you feel while listening to your body’s needs
- Experience a balanced, healthy relationship with food and body
- Confidence in grocery shopping and meal prep
This 21-Day Reset was created to reset and renew your body’s baseline for health and well-being. I am here to share my knowledge and skill set to help you achieve maximum success in these three weeks. During this time you will be connecting with me and others who are looking for a good cleanse… we will do a gentle reset for your body and mind together!
Full disclaimer? I have completed this reset myself three times… one of them during the holidays! Just like you, I truly wanted to ditch the bloat and reset my health and digestion so I could enter the New Year feeling lighter, cleaner and more refreshed than ever. While I have done many diets and fad programs in the past, I failed miserably because they were all based on deprivation and unsustainable, rigid schedules. I couldn’t live that way!
With a flexible, customized-to-you-as-an-individual system centered around real, whole foods, I have found this to be THE most important thing anyone should consider before opting into any program!
If you’ve been feeling the nudge to get your health and eating back on track, don’t wait to feel ready. This is your time. We start Valentine’s Day (don’t worry! The eating portion starts midweek… you can enjoy your holiday! I’m all about balance!). Join us?