There’s always the one that stands out…I didn’t realize the lesson God was teaching me after I snapped this pic in passing at Trader Joes (best flowers ever!).
Recently, I’ve been running hard with my team, locking arms to pursue a pretty bold vision we have. I’ve watched so many of my friends crush their goals and pursue their dreams in a way I have never seen before. Instead of jealousy and comparison, I’m cheering them on as I run alongside them, because I know that my time is coming.
Have there been moments of discouragement and even shame?
Yup. But only I can choose to stop those lies and take radical ownership of what thoughts have access to my heart.
Someone needs to hear this today:
Don’t despise the small beginnings. This is where the real change is happening… much like the hard work that the farmer needs to do before sowing seed.
Like him, you have to prepare the ground, plant the seed and tend to it faithfully before you see anything sprout up. And even when that time comes, you have to stay faithful and consistent because if you don’t, the harvest will never come. The fruit will die and you will have nothing.
Those dreams you have- your purpose in life- those are the plants. Don’t look at someone else’s success and walk away feeling like a failure. Celebrate them and be thankful for the inspiration they are to you- they’re not a threat.
They have their own story and path- don’t try to barge in or for yourself into theirs.
God isn’t done with you, but if you give up and stop trying, you will have a lot to answer for in the end. He gave you gifts, dreams and talents that you are meant to steward and care for.
At church a couple weeks back, Pastor John Bevere reminded us of the tragedy when we try to operate in someone else’s gift and that fear and intimidation will keep operating in ours… how true.
Oh and lastly, timing is everything. Even though a farmer is eager to plant and start to see things grow, he can’t go out in the middle of winter. Ask God for wisdom on His perfect timing. You won’t regret it.
I am preaching to myself here!